Practical Calculation of Determinants¶
Elementary Operations¶
Row elementary operations convert a square matrix to the echelon, i.e. upper triangular, form. The determinant of such a transformed matrix is simply the product of its diagonal elements. Application of elementary operations may be therefore a useful method of calculating determinants. However, one must take into account that elementary operations upon rows (columns) of a matrix can modify its determinant. Namely:
Transposition of any two rows (columns) changes the sign of the determinant.
Multiplying a row (column) by a non-zero scalar multiplies the determinant by that scalar.
Adding to a row a multiple of another row, as well as adding to a column a multiple of another column, does not change the determinant of the matrix.
Example 1. \(\qquad\left|\begin{array}{ccccc} 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 \\ 1 & 2 & 1 & 1 & 1 \\ 1 & 1 & 3 & 1 & 1 \\ 1 & 1 & 1 & 4 & 1 \\ 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 5 \end{array} \right|\ \ = \ \ \left|\begin{array}{ccccc} 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 2 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 3 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 4 \end{array} \right|\ \ =\ \ 24\,.\)
Operations performed on rows \(\ \boldsymbol{R}_1,\,\boldsymbol{R}_2,\,\boldsymbol{R}_3,\, \boldsymbol{R}_4,\,\boldsymbol{R}_5:\quad \boldsymbol{R}_i = \boldsymbol{R}_i - \boldsymbol{R}_1\,,\quad i = 2,3,4,5.\)
Example 2.
Operations performed on rows \(\ \boldsymbol{R}_1,\,\boldsymbol{R}_2,\, \boldsymbol{R}_3,\,\boldsymbol{R}_4:\)
\(\ \boldsymbol{R}_2 = \boldsymbol{R}_2 - 2\,\boldsymbol{R}_1,\ \ \boldsymbol{R}_3 = \boldsymbol{R}_3 + \boldsymbol{R}_1,\ \ \boldsymbol{R}_4 = \boldsymbol{R}_4 + 2\,\boldsymbol{R}_1\,;\)
\(\ \boldsymbol{R}_3 = \boldsymbol{R}_3 + 2\,\boldsymbol{R}_2,\ \ \boldsymbol{R}_4 = \boldsymbol{R}_4 + 3\,\boldsymbol{R}_2\,;\)
\(\ \boldsymbol{R}_4 = \boldsymbol{R}_4 - 3\,\boldsymbol{R}_3\,.\)
Example 3. \(\ \ \) Making use of the equalities \(\quad\left\{\ \, \begin{array}{l} 1798\ =\ 31\,\cdot\,58 \\ 2139\ =\ 31\,\cdot\,69 \\ 3255\ =\ 31\,\cdot\,105 \\ 4867\ =\ 31\,\cdot\,157 \end{array}\right.\)
without evaluating the determinant, validate that \(\quad\left|\begin{array}{llll} 1 & 7 & 9 & 8 \\ 2 & 1 & 3 & 9 \\ 3 & 2 & 5 & 5 \\ 4 & 8 & 6 & 7 \end{array} \right|\quad\) is also divisible by 31.
Solution. \(\,\)
The operation \(\ \,\boldsymbol{C}_4\ =\ 1000\,\cdot\,\boldsymbol{C}_1\,+\,100\,\cdot\,\boldsymbol{C}_2\,+\, 10\,\cdot\,\boldsymbol{C}_3\,+\,\boldsymbol{C}_4\ \,\) on columns \(\ \boldsymbol{C}_1,\,\boldsymbol{C}_2,\, \boldsymbol{C}_3,\,\boldsymbol{C}_4\ \) does not change the value of the determinant. As a result we obtain
The Laplace Expansion¶
A minor of size \(\,k\ \) of a matrix \(\,\boldsymbol{A}\in M_{m\times n}(K)\ \) is the determinant of the square matrix obtained from \(\,\boldsymbol{A}\ \) by removing some selected \(\ m-k\ \) rows \(\,\) and \(\ n-k\ \) columns \(\ (1\leq k \leq m,n).\)
Example 4. \(\ \) Let \(\ \ \boldsymbol{A}\ \,=\ \, \left[\begin{array}{rrrrr} -2 & 0 & 3 & 4 & 1 \\ 4 & 7 & 6 & -2 & 0 \\ 3 & 3 & 5 & 1 & 1 \\ -1 & 2 & 3 & 0 & 4 \end{array}\right]\in M_{4\times 5}(Q)\,.\)
Removing the third row and the second and fourth column we get a minor of size three:
Suppose we have a square matrix \(\ \boldsymbol{A}\,=\,[a_{ij}]_{n\times n}\in M_{n}(K).\) \(\\\) Select an element \(\ a_{ij}\ \) and delete the \(\,i\)-th row and the \(\,j\)-th column of \(\ \boldsymbol{A}.\) \(\\\) The obtained minor \(\,M_{ij}\,\) multiplied by the sign factor \(\ (-1)^{i+j}\ \) is termed \(\\\) the cofactor of the element \(\ a_{ij}\ \) in the matrix \(\ \boldsymbol{A}\,\) or shortly the \(\ i,j\ \) cofactor of \(\,\boldsymbol{A},\) \(\\\) and is denoted by \(\ A_{ij}:\)
Example 5. \(\ \) Let \(\ \ \boldsymbol{A}\ \,=\ \, \left[\begin{array}{rrrr} 2 & 1 & 0 & 6 \\ 3 & -1 & 7 & 4 \\ 1 & 0 & 5 & 2 \\ -1 & -2 & 1 & 5 \end{array}\right]\in M_4(Q)\,.\)
The cofactors of the elements \(\ a_{12} = 1\ \) and \(\ a_{33} = 5\ \) are:
It is worth noting that the cofactor \(\ A_{ij}\,\) of an element \(\,a_{ij}\,\) does not depend on that element nor on any element in the \(\,i\)-th row or in the \(\,j\)-th column of the matrix. \(\\\)
Theorem 4. \(\,\) The Laplace Expansion. \(\\\)
The determinant of a matrix \(\ \boldsymbol{A}\,=\,[a_{ij}]_{n\times n}\in M_{n}(K)\ \) is given by: \(\\\)
the sum of products of consecutive elements of a selected \(\,i\)-th row by the cofactors of these elements (expansion of the determinant along the \(\,i\)-th row):
(1)¶\[\det\boldsymbol{A}\ =\ a_{i1}\,A_{i1}\,+\,a_{i2}\,A_{i2}\,+\,\dots\,+\,a_{in}\,A_{in}\,, \quad i=1,2,\ldots,n.\]the sum of products of consecutive elements of a selected \(\,j\)-th column by the cofactors of these elements (expansion of the determinant along the \(\,j\)-th column):
(2)¶\[\det\boldsymbol{A}\ =\ a_{1j}\,A_{1j}\,+\,a_{2j}\,A_{2j}\,+\,\dots\,+\,a_{nj}\,A_{nj}\,, \quad j=1,2,\ldots,n.\]
Interestingly enough, the Laplace expansion may be performed along any row or any column: the result will be always the same.
To prove the Laplace expansion it suffices to check that the r-h-sides of Equations (1) and (2) fulfill the requirements of the axiomatic definition of the determinant.
As a method of computing determinants, the Laplace expansion is the most efficient when in a row or in a column there is only one non-zero element (this form may be achieved by elementary operations). Thus a practical calculation of a determinant is performed in two stages:
use of elementary operations to convert the matrix into the form in which in a row \(\\\) (or in a column) there is only one non-zero element;
application of the Laplace expansion along that row (or that column).
Example 6. \(\,\) The applied operations are described beneath the calculations.
Operations on rows \(\ \boldsymbol{R}_1,\,\boldsymbol{R}_2,\, \boldsymbol{R}_3,\,\boldsymbol{R}_4:\) \(\boldsymbol{R}_2 = \boldsymbol{R}_2 + \boldsymbol{R}_1,\ \ \boldsymbol{R}_3 = \boldsymbol{R}_3 - 2\,\boldsymbol{R}_1,\ \ \boldsymbol{R}_4 = \boldsymbol{R}_4 - \boldsymbol{R}_1.\) Laplace expansion along the 3rd column. Number \(\ 3\ \) pulled out of the 3rd column.
Operations performed on columns \(\ \boldsymbol{C}_1,\,\boldsymbol{C}_2,\,\boldsymbol{C}_3:\ \) \(\boldsymbol{C}_2 = \boldsymbol{C}_2 - \boldsymbol{C}_1,\ \ \boldsymbol{C}_3 = \boldsymbol{C}_3 - \boldsymbol{C}_1.\ \) \(\\\) Number \(\ 3\ \) pulled out of the 2nd column. Laplace expansion along the 2nd row. \(\\\)
Finally: \(\qquad\left|\begin{array}{rrrr} 2 & -5 & 1 & 2 \\ -3 & 7 & -1 & 4 \\ 5 & -9 & 2 & 7 \\ 4 & -6 & 1 & 2 \end{array}\right|\ \ =\ \ 3\ \ \left|\begin{array}{rrr} -1 & 2 & 2 \\ 1 & 1 & 1 \\ 2 & -1 & 0 \end{array}\right|\ \ =\ \ -\ 9\,. \\\)
In Sage a determinant of a given square matrix is computed by the function
(method) determinant()
, in short det()
. We shall call it to calculate
the determinant from the above example and to confirm the theorem on
determinant of a transpose matrix:
sage: A = matrix(QQ,[[ 2,-5, 1, 2],
[-3, 7,-1, 4],
[ 5,-9, 2, 7],
[ 4,-6, 1, 2]])
sage: det_A = A.determinant()
# Shorthand notation for a determinant of a transposed matrix:
sage: det_At = A.T.det()
sage: print "det A =", det_A; det_A==det_At
det A = -9