In the winter sport biathlon, during each shooting round, five targets have to be hit. In the course of an individual race, a biathlet executes a shooting round by shooting on each target once. This shooting round is modeled by a Bernoulli chain of length 5 with a probablity \(p\) to score a hit.
Give an expressions for the following events A and B which described the probability for the event as a function of \(p\).
A: „The biathlete scores exactly four hits.“B: „The biathlete scores a hit only for the first two shots.“
Explain by way of example why modeling a shooting round by means of a Bernoulli chain might disagree with reality.
Solution of part a
We start by considering the probability for event B. Since the probability of a hit is given by math:p, the probability for a miss equals \(1-p\). Correspondingly, the probability for scoring a hit for exactly the first two shots is obtained as \(p^2(1-p)^3\). We check this statement by means of simulation. However, we should not expect perfect agreement.
Let us now consider event A. In analogy to the previous consideration, the probability for a given sequence of four hits and and one miss equals \(p^4(1-p)\). However, the shot which misses is not fixed. The number of possibilites to distribute \(M\) events on \(N\) positions is given by the binomial coefficient
In our case, the desired probability is obtained as
After briefly verifying the binomial coefficient of which we make use here
we once more check our result for the probability by means of a simulation:
Solution of part b
The Bernoulli chain assumes that the probability of a hit is the same for each shot. However, in reality the probability of a hit might for example decrease after a miss.