Construction of the function given its propertiesΒΆ


For each of the following sets of requirements name a function satisfying them.

  1. The function \(g\) has a maximum domain given by \(]-\infty; 5]\).

  2. The function \(k\) has a zero at \(x=2\) as well as pole at \(x=-3\) without changing its sign. The graph of \(k\) has an asymptote the straight line given by \(y=1\) als Asymptote.

Solution of part a

A function with domain \([0; \infty[\) is given by \(x\mapsto\sqrt{x}\). Therefore, \(g(x)=\sqrt{5-x}\) is one of the functions with the given domain.

Solution of part b

The function \(k(x)\) can be chosen as rational function. Beacuase of the zero at \(x=2\) the numerator must contain at least a factor \(x-2\). The pole at \(x=-3\) without change of sign is obtained by means of a factor \((x+3)^2\) in the denominator. In order to obtain the desired asymptotic behavior for \(\vert x\vert\to\infty\), the factor in the numerator must be squares. We thus arrive at


We demonstrate with the help of Sage that this function indeed has the required properties.

Zero at \(x=2\):

Pole at \(x=-3\) without change of sign:

Asymptotic approach to the straight line \(y=1\) for \(\vert x\vert\to 1\):