Elimination Method for Systems of Equations

Echelon Form of a System of Equations

We shall consider a system of \(\,m\,\) equations in \(\,n\,\) variables \(\,(2\le m\le n):\)

(1)\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{c} a_{11}\,x_1\; + \ \,a_{12}\,x_2\; + \ \,\ldots\ + \ \;a_{1n}\,x_n \ \, = \ \ b_1 \\ a_{21}\,x_1\; + \ \,a_{22}\,x_2\; + \ \,\ldots\ + \ \;a_{2n}\,x_n \ \, = \ \ b_2 \\ \quad\,\ldots\qquad\quad\ldots\qquad\ \,\ldots\qquad\ \ \ldots\qquad\ \ \,\ldots \\ a_{m1}\,x_1\; + \ \,a_{m2}\,x_2\; + \ \,\ldots\ + \ \;a_{mn}\,x_n \ \, = \ \ b_m\,. \end{array}\end{split}\]

The coefficients \(\,a_{ij}\,\) and constants \(\,b_i\ \ (i=1,2,\ldots,m;\ j=1,2,\ldots,n)\ \) belong to a field \(\,K,\,\) e.g. they are rational, real or complex numbers.

Given a particular equation of a linear system, we define a leading variable as a variable corresponding to the left-most non-zero coefficient in this equation. Thus \(\,x_l\,\) is a leading variable in the \(\,i\)-th equation of (1), when \(\ a_{il}\neq 0\ \) and all variables with indices less than \(\,l\ \) (if any) actually do not occur in the equation because their coefficients vanish \(\ (1 \le l \le n).\)

For instance, in the equation \(\ 2\,x_3\,+\,4\,x_4\,-\,8\,x_6\ =\ 10\ \) coming from a linear system in variables \(\,x_1,\,x_2,\,\ldots,\,x_7\,,\ \) the leading variable is \(\,x_3:\ \) the “earlier” variables, \(\ x_1,\,x_2,\ \) are absent (their coefficients vanish).

A system of linear equations (1) is in a (row) echelon form, when in each, but the first, equation the index of the leading variable is greater than the analogous index in any previous equation of the system. In other words, the sequence of indices of leading variables in consecutive equations of the system is strictly increasing. We note that then in each \(\,k\)-th equation of the system the variables \(\ x_1,\dots,x_{k-1}\ \,\) are absent \((k=2,\dots,m)\,.\)

Gaussian Elimination

Systems of linear equations are in a natural way represented by matrices and an advanced approach to them uses the matrix formalism. In Chapter 4. we shall redefine the aforementioned notions of a leading element and echelon form in relation to matrices.

So far, however, we shall take advantage of the Sage’s ability to perform elementary operations on linear equations, each of the latter being treated as a whole. That way we shall illustrate the Gaussian and the Gauss-Jordan elimination methods on an elementary level, without even citing the concept of a matrix.

Every system of linear equations can be transformed to the echelon form by the following elementary operations:

  1. \(\,\) swapping the positions of two equations;

  2. \(\,\) multiplying an equation by a non-zero scalar;

  3. \(\,\) adding to one equation a scalar multiple of another one
    \(\,\) (in particular: adding or subtracting two equations).

These operations do not change the set of solutions, so the obtained transformed system is equivalent to the initial one.

Below we apply this procedure to a particular system of three equations in three unknowns over the rational field (for a better readability the output is simulated).

var('x1 x2 x3')

eq1 = x1+2*x2+2*x3==4
eq2 = x1+3*x2+3*x3==5
eq3 = 2*x1+6*x2+5*x3==6

\begin{alignat*}{4} x_1 & {\,} + {\,} & 2\,x_2 & {\,} + {\,} & 2\,x_3 & {\;} = {\;} & 4 \\ x_1 & {\,} + {\,} & 3\,x_2 & {\,} + {\,} & 3\,x_3 & {\;} = {\;} & 5 \\ 2\,x_1 & {\,} + {\,} & 6\,x_2 & {\,} + {\,} & 5\,x_3 & {\;} = {\;} & 6 \end{alignat*}
eq2 = eq2-eq1
eq3 = eq3-2*eq1

\begin{alignat*}{4} x_1 & {\,} + {\,} & 2\,x_2 & {\,} + {\,} & 2\,x_3 & {\;} = {} & 4 \\ & & x_2 & {\,} + {\,} & x_3 & {\;} = {} & 1 \\ & & 2\,x_2 & {\,} + {\,} & x_3 & {\;} = {} & -2 \end{alignat*}
eq3 = eq3-2*eq2

\begin{alignat*}{4} x_1 & {\,} + {\,} & 2\,x_2 & {\,} + {\,} & 2\,x_3 & {\;} = {} & 4 \\ & & x_2 & {\,} + {\,} & x_3 & {\;} = {} & 1 \\ & & & {\,} - {\,} & x_3 & {\;} = {} & -4 \end{alignat*}
eq3 = -eq3

\begin{alignat*}{4} x_1 & {\,} + {\,} & 2\,x_2 & {\,} + {\,} & 2\,x_3 & {\;} = {\;} & 4 \\ & & x_2 & {\,} + {\,} & x_3 & {\;} = {\;} & 1 \\ & & & & x_3 & {\;} = {\;} & 4 \end{alignat*}

The system of equations is now in the echelon form. \(\\\) Performing the backward substitution we obtain the solution:

\begin{alignat*}{5} x_3 & {\;} = {\;} & 4 & & & & & & \\ x_2 & {\;} = {\;} & 1 & {\,} - {\,} & x_3 & {\,} = {\,} & -3 & & \\ x_1 & {\,} = {\,} & 4 & {\,} - {\,} & 2\,x_2 & {\,} - {\,} & 2\,x_3 & {\,} = {\,} & 2 \end{alignat*}

The algorithm for solving systems of linear equations by transforming them to the echelon form with the aid of elementary operations and by a subsequent backward substitution is called the Gaussian elimination.

Gauss-Jordan Elimination

Once the echelon form of the system is obtained:

\begin{alignat*}{4} x_1 & {\,} + {\,} & 2\,x_2 & {\,} + {\,} & 2\,x_3 & {\;} = {\;} & 4 \\ & & x_2 & {\,} + {\,} & x_3 & {\;} = {\;} & 1 \\ & & & & x_3 & {\;} = {\;} & 4 \end{alignat*}

one may continue elementary operations, until the form showing explicitly the solution of the system is achieved:

eq1 = eq1-2*eq2
eq2 = eq2-eq3

\begin{alignat*}{2} x_1 & {\,} = {} & 2 \\ x_2 & {\,} = {} & -3 \\ x_3 & {\,} = {} & 4 \end{alignat*}

The above algorithm, which transforms a linear system into the trivial echelon form \(\\\) that displays directly the values of unknowns, is called the Gauss-Jordan elimination. \(\\\)

At the end we shall check whether our result agrees with that provided by the built-in function solve() :
